How to Register with Neelami
Neelami follows a strict KYC (Know Your Customer) policy.
To register on the site, we need self-attested copies of the following:
In case of an individual:
Photo-ID Proof (Either a valid passport, Driver’s License, Voter’s ID card, PAN card,UID).
Proof of address (Either a latest Telephone bill, Electricity bill, Bank Passbook).
One stamp size photograph.
In case of a company:
a) Permanent Account Number (PAN) card
b) Value Added Tax Number (VAT)
c) Address proof in the form of the current telephone /Electricity bill held in the company’s name.
d) Company Letterhead .
Documents can also be directly uploaded on the website from the bidders cart in My Documents. All the documents should be self attested.
(Note: Bidders have to follow some standards while uploading the documents. Letter head and Sign Stamp should be uploaded in jpeg format and the rest documents should be uploaded in pdf format. Size of each document should not be more than 1 MB)
Registration Process: The Registration process is a three step process.
Step 1: Create User ID and Password. Enter the email id (all future correspondence would be done on this email id).In case of company, enter the company details, KYC details and Bank Details and select the product in which you are interested. In case of individual where ever not applicable please enter N A. After entering all the details click on the submit button. A message would be displayed thank you for registering with Neelami and you would be redirected to the Step 2.
Step 2: In Step 2 i.e. the user would be asked to upload their KYC document and license if any. After completing the Step 2 the bidder would be redirected to Step 3.
Step 3: In Step 3 the user would be asked to verify the system generated KYC and in case of any correction to be done the bidder can do it by clicking on the edit button, otherwise he can complete his registration by clicking the submit button. After the submission, an activation link would be send to the user’s registered email id. All the user has to do is click on the activation link to activate his account.
Please Click Here to register with Neelami.
Types Of Membership
- Permitted to participate in all auctions.
- Can view results of auctions in which participated.
- Can view auction deposits & notifications.
- Rs. 14,750 Subscription Fees (12,500 + 2,250 GST @18%) Yearly Subscription.
- Rs. 23,600 Subscription Fees (20,000 + 3,600 GST @18%) 2 Years Subscription.
- Permitted to participate in all auctions.
- Can view results of all auctions for one month only, (T & C Apply).
- Can view auction deposits & notifications.
- Security Deposit Facility.
- 3 Sale Listing Free for 1 month only.
- Lotwise Search.
- Rs.23,600 Subscription Fees (20,000 + 3,600 GST @18%) Yearly Subscription.
- Rs.35,400 Subscription Fees (30,000 + 5,400 GST @18%) 2 Years Subscription.
For more details please visit our Membership section
Neelami Bank Details
Account Name - Neelami Auctioneer Private Limited
Bank name - HDFC Bank
Branch Name: J.B. Nagar, Andheri (E)
Account No. : 50200009368812
IFSC Code: HDFC0001204
Do I have to register on to take part in an auction on the site?
Yes register free on the site. To take part in the auctions other terms and conditions including remittance of prescribed CMD will apply.
Can I change my user id?
How often should I change my password?
Just before when you participate for a new auction.However, it is advisable to change your password frequently for security purposes.
After you register with Neelami on the website, you will be allotted a user identification (User ID) of your choice by Neelami and you will be prompted to select/enter a password. The User is solely responsible for all use and for maintaining and protecting the confidentiality of its User ID and password.
Forgot Password
In case the bidder forgets his password, all he has to do is click on the Forgot Password link to recover his password.
In Forgot Password he has to enter his User ID and click on the submit button. After clicking on submit a temporary password would be send to the bidders registered email id.
The bidder has to login with his User ID and the temporary password which have been mailed to him.
After successful login the bidder has to change the password by entering the temporary password in the password field , then enter new password in the new password field and again re-enter the new password in confirm password field to confirm and click on submit, the password would be changed .
What is Fixed Time Auction?
Here the auction is set for a particular time for single or all lots , auction will automatically stop at the end of closing time & no bids will be accepted.
What is Time Extension Auction ?
Auction closing time extends for 3 minutes at the end of a sale of a particular lot in which bid is received in the last three minutes of closing time,the bid should be higher than the existing bid for a particular lot in the auction.
The time extension may vary for different lots, and will be mentioned in the bidding room.
What is Caution Money Deposit (CMD)
CMD can also be paid individually on lot basis if requested by the seller for a particular auction .
CMD amount is physically deposited as a bank draft (usually favouring the seller) at the Neelami offices or with the Seller as pre-determined for the particular auction .
The CMD is a refundable amount specific to every auction & only establishes the eligibility to the bidder to participate .The CMD is refunded to unsuccessful bidder after close of the auction .
Bidders can pay the CMD via Demand Draft or Pay Order drawn in favour of the sellers mentioned in the catlogue to be deposited in the office of M/S Neelami or with seller .
How ever if on being successful. the bidder fails to meet with the payment shedule & take the delivery even for a single lot the entire auction CMD will be forfeited .
Please take note the CMD amount should reach to the auctioneer /Seller office two days in advance before auction date.
CMD can also be paid through Security Deposit Facility (this faclitity is available for Premium and Previlege member for more details click here )
How to Register for e-Auction ?
Neelami prides itself on conducting every auction in an easy and completely transparent way. The entire process is completed in a few steps:
Step 1 : First Login with your User Id and Password.
Step 2 : On Successfull login please click on the auctions which you want to participate.
Step 3 : You would find the register link in the particular auction just click on that link.
Step 4 : After clicking on the register link Online Auction Registration form would open to you with the bidder details prefilled. All you have to select is the deposit type.
Step 5 : In case of Premium and Previlege Member there would be two options as mentioned below:
a) Security Deposit (Option available for Premium and Previlege Member).
b) DD/PO (Option available for all types of Members).
Note: If Security Deposit balance is Nil or it is below the auction EMD amount the bidders would not be able to register for that auction. When you select Security Deposit current balance available would be shown to the bidders. In case of DD/PO it has to be submitted to Neelami Office
Step 6 : After selecting the deposit type the bidder has to click on the submit button. On successfully registration, a message would be displayed "thank for registering for the auction".
Note: If any correction are need to be done by the bidder in the Auction Registration Form it can be done, untill the bidder is not activated by the admin. The changes would automatically get updated in Auction Registration Form.
Step 7 : The Admin would approve the bidder for the auction if all necessary procedure are done by the bidder for that auction and under Auction Room it would be shown as Activated.
What are the different types of auctions
There are Two Types of Auctions.
1) Forward Auctions: Forward auction are electronic auctions, which can be used by sellers to sell their items to many potential buyers. Sellers and buyers can be individuals, organizations etc.
2) Reverse Auctions: A reverse auction is a type of auction in which the roles of buyer and seller are reversed. In an ordinary auction (also known as a forward auction), buyers compete to obtain a good or service by offering increasingly higher prices. In a reverse auction, the sellers compete to obtain business from the buyer and prices will typically decrease as the sellers underbid each other.
Registration Charges
Registration Charges :
No registration charges for registering with
Registration charges is free to everyone under section 48 of customs act 1962.
How to Bid in e-Auction
After the bidder is activated for the auction. On auction day bidder should login with his User ID and Password. In My Account, under My Auctions the bidder would see the auction for which he is activated.As soon as the auction starts the under the Auction Room, a BID button would be displayed. On clicking on the BID button the bidder has to enter the ONE TIME PASWORD(OTP) to enter in the Bidding Room.
The OTP for the auction would be mailed to the registered mail id. Bidders are requested to check the OTP in their respective email accounts.
This OTP will be valid until the auction closes. In case if a bidder is participating in more than one auctions on the same day the same OTP would be applicable for all auctions for that particular day.
After entering the OTP the bidder would be redirected to the Bidding screen, where he can start bidding.
After entering the auction room the lots would be displayed for the bidder which are to be auctioned
In the Bidding screen details of each lot will be displayed along with a 'Bid' link. Click on the link to place a bid for that particular lot.
Clicking on the 'Bid' link will display the lot details along with previous highest bid, minimum increment and a box to enter your bid.
Enter your bid in the box given. You will be asked in figures & words to confirm the bid and avoid mistakes. The bid amount must be greater than the last highest bid + minimum increment. Click on this 'Accept' button to submit the BID. If your bid is accepted you shall be notified about the same or if the bid is not valid you shall have to reenter the bid amount.
The Server time will always be shown on the bidding screen to know the start time & the time of close of Auction.
The auction will be closed exactly at the time specified in the auction details. No bids will be entertained after the closing time. Neelami are not responsible for BIDS PLACED IN THE LAST THREE MINUTES which might not reach the server due to technical problems or time-lag. Bidders are urged to place their bids well before the last few minutes of the auction.
Neelami will not be responsible for unforeseen problems such as time-lag, heavy traffic or power failure at the users end. This is especially important during the last minutes of the auction. BIDDERS ARE REQUESTED NOT TO POSTPONE BIDDING TO THE LAST MOMENT.
Acceptance of highest bid online does not guarantee sale of the lot to the bidder, the bids will be processed before confirmation of the sale and results will be declared soon. After winning bidder will be notified of final results through email.
In case of clerical errors while bidding due to oversight or urgency the bidder must inform Neelami of this error immediately? In such cases Neelami will take the appropriate decision regarding the lot after consulting the seller.
What exactly Event Fee is ?
Event Fee means the association’s fee charged to a licensed company for providing it with the space and services to conduct its event; the event fee may be in the form of an advance.
1. Event fees will be collected with CMD before the auction starts.
2. Event fee will be Non-Refundable to the Successful Bidder.
3. Event fee is Refundable to Unsuccessful Bidder.
4. Event fee will be charged as per mentioned in auction catalogue.
5. Event fee will be in addition to GST & TCS.
6. Invoice will be generated Event fee after closing the auction event.
What is a Lot ?
Here lot referred as a single group of item which may be clubed with many numbers of different products or small lots. Here Lot word is considered for Flat ,Machinery,Land ,Vehicle,commodity etc
CMD Deposit Request
1. Visit our website ''
2. Click on the site menu 'Login' on the top right of the webpage.
3. Click on 'Existing User' & Login with your Username & Password.
4. Click on 'My Account' >> 'CMD Deposit'
5. Click on 'Click here for Request for Deposit' highlighted in red at the bottom left
6. Now enter the Deposit Details,
Deposit Amount : << Enter Amount here >>
Message Box : << Enter the UTR No. here>>
Attach the Payment Receipt in the 'Choose File' attachment option.
7. At last click on 'Submit' button.
Your Deposit Request will be submitted & once the Accounts Team receives the request your Deposit will be added successfully in your respective account.
CMD Refund Request
1. Visit our website ''
2. Click on the site menu 'Login' on the top right of the webpage.
3. Click on 'Existing User' & Login with your Username & Password.
4. Click on 'My Account' >> 'CMD Refund'.
5. Click on 'Click here for Request for Refund' highlighted in red at the bottom left.
6. Now enter the Details,
Refund Amount : << Enter the Amount here >>
Message Box : << Request in detail >>
7. At last click on 'Submit' button.
Your Refund Request will be submitted & once the Accounts Team receives the request, they will proceed to make the payment.
What is a Reserve Price?
Reserve price is the minimum price set by the seller ,below which the bids are taken as subject to approval at the seller's discreation for the sale of a particular lot/product.
What is a Base Price?
Base price is the price decided by the seller ,base price plus minimum increament will be accepted as the first bid below which the bids will not be accepted by the system for the sale of a particular lot/product .
What is Minimum Increment ?
Minimum increament is the amount decided by the seller ,system calculates the highest bid plus increment for the particular lot ,which is added for the next minimum bid ,below which the bid will not be accepted.
What is Bid ?
The price a buyer is willing to pay for a particular product /lot & places his offer in auction through clicking the bid button.
What is an Auto Bid (A) ?
Auto Bid is not a confirm bid. Auto bid is the maximum ceiling amount set by the bidder to enable the auction engine to place bids on his behalf, whenever he is outbid, up to the ceiling set by him. Auto bid can be modified or deleted for a particular lot but your bid will be highest at that time or somebody should over bid your bid amount.
This is a hidden bid, known to the system, but not any other bidders; during the auction the actual bid is incremented only enough to beat the existing highest bid. For example, if an item's current maximum high bid is 50 and the minimum increment is set 1 and someone is prepared to pay 100 and bids accordingly, the actual bid will be presented as 51 with the hidden maximum of 100.
Bidders may please note that only manual bid will be considered as highest bid in case of tie.
What is Auto Timer (For Auction & Tender) ?
1) Auto Timer for Auction.
a) Auto Timer is a facility available in auto bid tab, Auto bid for any particular lot can be set in advance during auction through activating the timer which will only be activated 5 seconds before the auction closing time.
b) Auto Timer bid amount can be modified during the auction.
c) Bidders may please note that only manual bid will be considered as highest bid in case of tie . eg- Direct Bid by Mr Rahul is Rs 100/- & auto bid placed through auto timer by Mr A & Mr B is Rs 100/- then Mr Rahul is the Winning Bidder .
d) Bidders may please note Auto bid amount will only be considered as highest bid in case of tie with Auto Timer bid. eg- Auto bid by Mr Rahul is Rs 100/- & auto bid through auto timer by Mr A & Mr B is Rs 100/- then Mr Rahul is the Winning Bidder .
e) If two bidders bid same amount in auto timer,the first request received by the server will be the winning request.
f) This facility will be available on the request of the seller .
g) Advantage of Auto Timer:
1) Auto Bid can be set in advance which will be activated 5 or 10 seconds before the auction/tender closing time. No hassle to run & place a Bid/Auto bid at the last Second .
2) You can place your bid through Auto bid timer for all the lots.There is no risk of missing the auction due to power / internet failure during the auction,the bidder can get free himself instead of blocking himself throughout the auctions.
a) Function of Auto Timer For Auction: Auto timer bid is modifiable at any time during the auction .
b) Function of Auto Timer For Tender: Auto timer bid is not modifiable in the tender process during the auction (Tender once placed cannot be modified)
Please do not use Auto timer if you disagree the above condition .It is not Compulsory & it will not effect your normal bidding process.
What is E-Tender ?
a. E-Tender can be offered during e-auction at a fix given time allotted for lots but before the closure of e-auction.
b. E-Tender once set cannot be deleted or modified , there is only one chance for a particular lot , it is a confirmed bid .
c. For participating only for E Tender CMD amount has to be deposited for individual /whole lot as prescribed by the seller .
d. If two bidders bid same amount in tender, the first request received by the server will be the winning request.
Can I participate only in E-Tender/ or only for single lot ?
Yes, you have to deposit CMD amount for the lots as prescribed in the auction catalog.
What is Side Screen ?
This screen is provided only for observation of the lots in which bidder are not interested in bidding,It is located on the right side of the bidding screen. Lot's can be shifted to the bidding screen once bidder press the shift button marked as (Add).
What are Post Auction Activity (Result Section).
Post Auction activities are activity done after the auction is concluded.
Post Auction procedure involves the following activities.
- Subject to Confirmation: All the highest bids received in the Auction/Tender are Subject To Confirmation from the seller it means the decision will be
taken by the seller later on.
- Final Confirmation: All the highest bids received in the Auction/Tender are confirmed from the seller means the seller has accepted the highest bid.
Lot Rejection: All the highest bids received in the Auction/Tender are Rejected by the seller.
Payment Details: It includes bid amount, handling, loading and VAT charges, which will be provided after final confirmation by the Seller.
In some cases the buyer has to pay PSIC/Chartered Engineering/PQ /Lab Testing charges as per the terms conditions of the auction of a particular Seller. - Out of Charge: After payment of duty to custom, Out of Charge order is issued and thereafter the goods can be cleared (Applicable for goods purchased under Customs Notified Area).
- Final Payment Reminder: This is the final intimation to the buyer to pay the balance amount of the purchased goods, there after the seller will proceed for cancellation and forfeiture of the CMD/Part Payment of the buyer for a particular lot.
- Forfeit Intimation: After the final intimation is send to the buyer to pay the balance amount of the purchased goods, if the buyer fails to pay the balance amount within the given time his CMD would be forited against the particular lot / auction.
All the Post Auction Details will be avaiable in the Result Section.
Bidders are requested to check the result section or notifications for Post Auction updates.
All the Post Auction Details will be avaiable in the Result Section.
Bidders are requested to check the result section or notifications for Post Auction updates.
Procurement is the act of finding, acquiring, buying goods, services or works from an external source, often via a tendering or competitive bidding process. The process is used to ensure the buyer receives goods, services or works the best possible price, when aspects such as quality, quantity, time, and location are compared. Corporations and public bodies often define processes intended to promote fair and open competition for their business while minimizing risk, such as exposure to fraud and collusion.
License Conditions (For Specific Clients / Imported Goods Only)
- Metal Scrap: State Pollution Control Board(SPCB) / Central Pollution Control Board(CPCB).
- Waste Paper: State Pollution Control Board(SPCB) / Central Pollution Control Board(CPCB).
- Cut Tyres: Ministry of Enviroment and Forest(MOEF/Actual User).
- Petroleum Products: Ministry of Enviroment and Forest(MOEF/Actual User).
- Plastic Scrap: Ministry of Enviroment and Forest(MOEF & Special Import License).
- E Waste: Ministry of Enviroment and Forest(MOEF).
- Glass Scrap: Ministry of Enviroment and Forest(MOEF).
- Lead Ore/Scrap: Ministry of Enviroment and Forest(MOEF).
- Zinc Ore/Scrap: Ministry of Enviroment and Forest(MOEF).
- Marble: Directorate General Of Foreign Trade(DGFT).
- Used Clothes: Directorate General Of Foreign Trade(DGFT).
- Gas Cylinders & Explosive: Petroleum and Safety Oragnisation(PESO).
- Pesticides: Central Insecticide Board(CIB).
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